How to make teenage mutant ninja turtle party bags |
This year I set out planning Max's superhero party as I did last year only for him to change his mind (as he did last year) and ask for a turtle cake! I do wonder if I'll ever get a spiderman party...
So on to Pinterest I go and find a whole array of crafts for teenage mutant ninja turtles and let's just say I can't wait for Christmas and green baubles with coloured masks on the tree!
ANYWAY, back to the party theme. It became apparent very quickly that the fold-over party bags were popular with little ones who want TMNT-themed parties and so my first quest was to source said bags.
Good old' eBay for the party bags |
There are a variety of mask creations that can be done with these green bags but my favourite by far was the images created by
Chica and Jo, now granted I could have created my own images, but this template cost me £0.60 to download - so why not!
Rather than print these masks out on white card and use up an awful lot of ink, I was fortunate enough to receive some brilliant bright coloured card from PaperCutz.co.uk that worked perfectly.
Using coloured card rather than using up a lot of ink |
Because I had not used white card my eyes did not print out white but transparent and therefore the colour of the card, so I used white sticky back paper also supplied by Papercutz for the eyes
and mouth.
Using Stick Back paper for the eyes and mouth |
Once the masks were cut out, we very carefully added the eyes then I used my ever-faithful Mod Podge to glue the masks to the bags. I set up a little template from my cutting board to use as a guide to ensure the masks were all roughly in the same place.
I do have a table but the floor and my lap seemed more comfortable! |
Starting to look like Turtle Party Bags |
The mouths were carefully cut out and stuck on the bags using a rough template. These were far more fiddly as the edges of the mouth are quite thin, but patience got me through that bit!
Taking time to cut out the mouths |
Using a template for lining up the mouths |
Ta-da - all done!
TMNT Party bags ready to be filled |
Creating Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle party bags |
Chilling with Raph, Mikey, Donnie and Leo on a rainy day... |
Nowhere near as difficult as I thought it may be and I'm super excited to give these out at Max's party now... so long as I have one left for us.
What do you think? (I can't wait to put little masks on the green baubles I'm yet to source for Christmas, yes I said the C-word, it's September, and I can now).
Disclaimer: I received the card and sticky paper from Papercutz.co.uk to review.
The above wording is all my own and not influenced by products received
How did you get the black and white template? email:ashleysuarez0717@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteThe template I use on this post was purchased via etsy x