How to make use of Pallet Parts

When I made my potting unit out of pallets last month, we cut the pallets to fit the area.  As my unit was 7 pallets high, we had a large pile of cut-offs.  

Craft: How to make a Monster Book of Monsters

Creating a Harry Potter Monster Book of Monsters - Craft

You never know what you may find at a car boot fair, so my advice would be never to dismiss one if you have a craft project coming up, whether it's making costumes or recovering stools.  You'd be surprised at what goodies can be found.

Bond of Eternity Book Review

Bond of Eternity is book 2 in Roxan Burley's Equal Rise Series.  A fantasy, dystopian novel set in today's world.

Equal Rise Series books by Roxan Burley

The series is from the fantasy genre but set in our universe - the UK to be specific - that sees mythical creatures such as elves, trolls, dwarves and gargoyles, yes, I'm seeing gargoyes in a whole new light now, living in a world with mortals - us humans, and how a divide has formed since the war and now some higher ranked "myths" have had enough!

15 Gift Ideas for Father's Day

Fathers shouldn't be hard to buy for, but for some reason, I struggle to find that perfect gift for my son to gift his dad.  I ask the dreaded "What would you like for Father's Day" question and I'm usually greeted with, "Oh nothing, I'm fine"!

Father and Son at the Beach

So I've had a think back to which gifts have been very well received and compiled my Top 15 Father's Day Gifts, I hope you find it useful!

Fanning Fireflies Book Review

While Fanning Fireflies is the 3rd book in LS Delorme's Limerent Series, it can be read as a stand-alone book - along with the prior 2 books; Caio and Bright Midnights.

Fanning Fireflies Book Cover

Using the Loklik Cutting Machine

Over the past month, I have been trying out the Loklik Cutting Machine, gifted by Loklik as a review, and now that I've finally got to grips with it - it's very addictive!

From adding labels to storage containers, and personalising water bottles to creating quoted bookmarks, there is no end to what you add a little of yourself into with one of these cutting machines.

Loklik cutting machine