How to get in the audience

Here's how we got to the Top Gear Show

Have you every sat and wonders how to get in the audience for Ant and Dec's Saturday Takeaway? Or may QI or even the beloved Top Gear?

There are a couple of websites that can help you with just that!  The ApplauseStore is home to many shows including the ones mentioned above.  Once you log in, just scroll down the page to see the shows on offer.

Some of the shows will be marked 'booking now' so you click on the dates you would be available to attend the show and sit back and wait.  You will get a notification email, this is not a ticket email.  This is to let you know that you're interested in the show has been registered.

If you are lucky enough to receive tickets to a show you will receive an e-ticket for the event.  The applause store will also let you know that they oversubscribe the tickets.  This is because people don't turn up for one reason or another, so if you really want to go to a show that you've got tickets for I recommend you get there early!

cool and uncool board for Top Gear
Four years ago I was fortunate enough to get tickets to the longest waiting list the BBC has - Top Gear!  I couldn't believe my luck!  We arrived early in the morning at Dunsfold Park Aerodrome and waited around most of the morning in a carpark until we were shown into the aircraft hanger - it was fantastic!  You can't plan your day, you have no idea how many takes will be needed, how long the show will last, all you know is that you could be there until 7 pm.

The other website that I know of is SRO audience, this one I'm yet to experience, this is mainly because I have to work it around childcare, as I only found out about this site after I found out I was pregnant (a couple weeks after visiting Top Gear as it happens....)

Finally, Twitter is also a good place to keep an eye out for audience tickets or even participation with 12 Yard Productions being a good Twitter feed to follow.

So those are the ones that I know of, do let me know if there are anymore and I'll add it to my listing above.


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