Being Lean is a new book out by Michelle Leong. It is a fascinating book with great pointers on how to eliminate waste (time etc) from your life, but I did find it quite a hard read. The book's aim is to help you achieve a better quality of life at home, in health, when travelling and at work. If you can keep up with the book then there's a strong probability that you will meet those aims.
What is lean
If you are in a corporate environment then the chances are you have heard of lean, it is very much "Corporate speak" but that is not to say we cannot put the
principles learnt in business and apply them to all aspects of our life to cut out wasting time.
Being lean means living efficiently - not wasting time, energy and money on the unimportant. As the line between work and home life gets irretrievably blurred, we can now take advantage of a single, holistic, less-stressful approach to living and Michelle Leong shows you how.
Being lean means living efficiently - not wasting time, energy and money on the unimportant. As the line between work and home life gets irretrievably blurred, we can now take advantage of a single, holistic, less-stressful approach to living and Michelle Leong shows you how.
I loved this book, but found it still very much business based rather than lifestyle, but what that does mean is you are getting the expertise of a certified Lean practitioner for the cost of the book! Bargain.
My main issue with the book, and possibly the only one, is the size of the text. The book is a handy A5, handbag size, book and while it is seemingly thin, the text is very small and I found it difficult to read.
This is a book you've got to want to read, otherwise, it will just sit on your "to read/wish list".
Ultimately this book is about eliminating waste - as in time and inefficiencies - in our lives, freeing up your time to pursue more fun and exciting activities.
My main issue with the book, and possibly the only one, is the size of the text. The book is a handy A5, handbag size, book and while it is seemingly thin, the text is very small and I found it difficult to read.
This is a book you've got to want to read, otherwise, it will just sit on your "to read/wish list".
Ultimately this book is about eliminating waste - as in time and inefficiencies - in our lives, freeing up your time to pursue more fun and exciting activities.
About the Author
MICHELLE LEONG has been a certified lean practitioner for almost years, advising businesses on how they can use lean techniques to improve both work efficiency and employee happiness. She was part of the team that introduced lean to the construction industry in a government-funded Construction Lean Improvement Programme (CLIP).
A passionate travel, health and food enthusiast, she started adding lean ideas to her own life many years ago, everything from packing efficiently to exercising on the go and to eliminating waste when food shopping.
Being lean is an absolute necessity for her quality of life. Discovering and practising lean has helped her to live the life she loves without compromise.

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