Top 5 Homemade / Charity World Book Day Costumes

Over the years we have made many costumes for World Book Day, Comicon and parties.  Here are five of my favourite homemade outfits, some on a budget and some from charity shop finds.

5.    Branch - For a fancy dress Trolls party.

My son was recently invited to a birthday party where the theme was Trolls, and fancy dress was highly recommended. Obviously, to a 6-year old that means compulsory and we all know every child there will be dressed up. Read more ....

4. Finnick Costume from Hunger Games

My son wanted to go as Finnick from Hunger Games, a challenge in a completely different way to his megamonster costume.  Read more ....

3. David Walliams MegaMonster Costume 

Once the email from the school came out in February that they would be doing World Book Day and costumes were optional, I asked my son what his favourite book was and what he wanted to go as - Megamonster.   Read more ....

2. How to make the Fantastic Mr Fox Costume

Last year we'd been reading quite a lot of Roald Dahl, so I wasn't completely surprised when my son asked to go to school for World Book Day as The Fantastic Mr Fox.  Read more ....

1. Dr Who Costumes

I had made a costume for my son to wear at ComiCon, it was the long overcoat of the Tenth Doctor, but that was the year Covid stuck and everything shut down.  So he never did get to wear his outfit, which was such a shame as I wanted to show off my favourite make-to-date - The Tardis.

One day we'll go back as The Doctor and the Tardis.

1 comment:

  1. Better get to Comicon soon before he grows out of that coat. I'd better not show it to my son as he is a big Dr Who fan and I'm already in trouble for not being able to find him the Master's screwdriver this year to add to his screwdriver collection


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